Lagos Xmas Gift Of Fire Cracker Explosion: About 20 Buildings To Be Demolished


About 20 buildings have been pencilled down for integrity test and possible demolition after Wednesday’s fire cracker explosion and inferno at Jankara market area of Lagos Island. this was reported by channels news.

An explossion which was reported to be a result of fire crackers going off has resulted in a number of buildings being pulled down hours after the explosion and more are lined up for a similar feature.
Five buildings were totally destroyed in the explosion and another three were partially touched.
Some shop owners in the famous Jankara market have already begun moving their goods to another location as they are unsure of what will become of their buildings after the test.
An official of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Mr Ibrahim Farinloye, had earlier confirmed to Channels TV that “The use of residential buildings for both residential and commercial use, which is against the Building Code of Nigeria, complicates the rescue operations of the fire fighters.”
Jankara market is located in the heart of the densely populated Lagos Island market where massive structures of three to four storey buildings are built inches away from each other.
Fire crackers popularly known as banger are major features of celebrations during Christmas and New Year across Nigeria.
Meanwhile, NEMA has declared that the Lagos State Authorities would take over the control of the site while the state’s Commissioner for Home Affairs has called for residents in the state to assist government in curbing the spate of disasters.
This is the joker, something similar happened a few days to xmas a few years ago at Yaba Tejuosho Market. People lost properties, some went back to thier villages, some preffered to die in the fire.
My question is that what happens to the inhabitants, the landlords?
Is this place going to become an ultra modern market again following a popular yoruba adage?
Was this a result of fire crackers or the usual Lagos State myth under the fashola administration?
I rest my case.


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