Police ban officers from demanding Customs papers, tinted permit


The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has issued a directive to its officers to cease asking drivers for Customs papers. This order comes as welcome news to many Nigerians, who have long been subjected to police harassment and extortion at checkpoints across the country. The notorious behavior of some police officers has been a major issue in Nigeria, with many drivers being forced to pay bribes to avoid being arrested or having their vehicles impounded.

In a tweet on Sunday, Force Public Relations Officer (FPRO), Muyiwa Adejobi, stated that the issuance of tinted glass permits remains suspended and that officers are only expected to stop vehicles and search them, along with the occupants. "No policeman should demand your customs papers. Except they are on joint operation, but not just on mere routine checks”, he said.

Adejobi also urged Nigerians to report any police personnel who delay them at checkpoints, emphasizing that this behavior will not be tolerated. This move is a step in the right direction towards improving the relationship between the police and citizens, and it is hoped that it will go a long way in reducing corruption and improving public trust in the NPF.

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