The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a film that Nintendo fans have been eagerly anticipating for years. The movie follows the story of Mario and Luigi as they attempt to start a plumbing business in Brooklyn. When a plumbing incident threatens to flood Brooklyn, the brothers hit the sewers to try and fix the leak. However, they end up in the Mushroom Kingdom, where they are separated during a dangerous time for the land. Bowser has gained a Super Star, which makes him invincible, and with this new power, he plans on heading to the Mushroom Kingdom with the plan of proposing to Princess Peach, so the two can rule the kingdoms together. With the help of a bold Toad, Mario meets Peach, who is readying to fight back against Bowser, as Mario attempts to find his brother, who has become caught in Bowser’s grasp.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is bursting with love for the series that many of us have grown up with. The filmmakers have excelled at this type of animated film, and it shows. The movie is able to fit in many references to the Mario series, from making the 1984 video game Wrecking Crew part of Mario’s story, referencing nearly every Mario game since the character’s creation, and even bringing the entire Donkey Kong crew into the mix, without feeling shoehorned in. The film does the narrative justice in a way that doesn’t just feel like a reference-fest. The voice cast is also strong, with Chris Pratt and Charlie Day as Mario and Luigi, respectively, and Jack Black as Bowser, being the real standout.

For Nintendo fans, this feels like the film they wished the 1993 movie would have been. It’s a jubilant celebration of Mario’s legacy and shows just how much there is to explore in these video game worlds. However, for viewers who didn’t grow up with Mario, the movie might be a little light on plot and character development. Nevertheless, it makes up for it with bright, fun worlds, surprisingly solid jokes, and a charm that rivals Illumination’s previous films. The humor and the vibrant worlds should be enough to make this an enjoyable experience for those who aren’t already familiar with this character. Overall, The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a must-see for Mario fans and an entertaining watch for everyone else.
Rating: B+
The Super Mario Bros. Movie comes to theaters on April 5