Key Findings on Studying Abroad and Fully-funded Scholarships


Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, but it comes with a price tag. If you're looking to study abroad and are considering a fully-funded scholarship, there are some key findings you should keep in mind. After observing and being part of many success stories from the Fall 2022, Spring 2023, and Fall 2023 admission cycles, I have some valuable insights to share.

Funding Options:
If you have the financial resources to self-fund your studies, target UK and the rest of Europe. However, if you are solely dependent on scholarships, then USA and Canada are better options as most institutions offer Assistantships to admitted students.

Admission Process: UK schools have a less cumbersome admission process, but their fully-funded scholarship options are limited. In contrast, USA and Canada have a relatively difficult admission process with or without funding, but the scholarship options are broader.

Admission Requirements: UK schools have straightforward admission requirements that are easy to meet, while Canadian and American schools require application fees. However, application fee waivers are granted to applicants.

GPA vs Work Experience:
Some students who received fully-funded offers graduated with a lower division GPA. This is because the U.S. education system funds admitted students mostly via Assistantship positions, which require a wealth of knowledge and experience. Therefore, a commendable amount of work experience can make up for a poor GPA.

Visa Approval: The majority of persons who received fully-funded offers got their visas approved. So, when you get a fully-funded admission, don't fret about the visa process, just do your thing and show up at the interview.

Family Matters: If you're married and you get a fully-funded offer with a balance that covers your spouse and maybe kids, don't make the mistake of going to the interview alone. Sometimes, it becomes really difficult for your family to join you after you've traveled. Therefore, if you get the chance to move with your family at once, why not?

Scholarship is not Free:
Every scholarship comes with a price you MUST pay, and you work for it. For every scholarship, there are terms and conditions, and if you don't keep to those Ts and Cs, it'll be withdrawn.

Women in Scholarship: Women are underrepresented in lots of programs. The admissions/funding committee have diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind when reviewing applications. Therefore, if you're a woman, take your scholarship journey more seriously.

Self-Funding to Fully-Funded: You can resume graduate studies in the USA without funding and graduate as a fully-funded student. Some persons have resumed as self-funded students and got Teaching and Research Assistantship positions within their first week of resumption.


Studying abroad can be an excellent opportunity, and fully-funded scholarships can be a game-changer. However, it's crucial to keep these key findings in mind as you navigate through the admission and scholarship process. By understanding the admission requirements, funding options, and visa approval process, you can increase your chances of success. Remember, scholarship is not free, and it requires hard work and dedication to meet the Ts and Cs.

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